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Accepted Student Recognition Day 4/6/24

Preparation for a Lifetime

At Elmira College, 我们相信世界在等着你,你有机会让它成为你想要的. 当你开始寻找你在世界上的位置时,首先要在mg冰球突破豪华版下载找到你的位置. Immerse yourself in everything our college has to offer. 选择一门与你的职业兴趣相匹配的课程和经验,这将使你得到拓展,并为你在世界上面临的复杂性和挑战做好准备. 我们邀请您积极参与规划您的发展,同时依靠我们的员工和教师来帮助指导和支持您.

Explore Degrees & Programs

Students and a professor chat on a bench

Get Off to a Great Start

大学的第一年可能会令人兴奋,但也会令人生畏. 一个充满机遇的新世界正等着你,你可能很难知道从哪里开始. Elmira College's First Year Seminar, 哪门是文科和理科大一新生的基础课程, 会帮助你对你可以探索的主题有一个结构化的了解,同时培养你将用于解决复杂问题的批判性思维和领导技能.


Community Engagement

mg冰球突破豪华版下载以其悠久的历史和传统而自豪,致力于学生的理想 community service. 我们鼓励你走出令人兴奋的mg冰球突破豪华版下载,寻找丰富的志愿者经历,这将加深你的联系, strengthen your friendships, and leave a lasting impact on the community.

Two female students work in a plant bed in Eldridge Park

Term III

During six weeks in April and May, mg冰球突破豪华版下载的学生可以通过 Term III. 这个独特的课程可以让你在整个大学里选择一个身临其境和密集的体验. 你可以选择出国旅行,研究海洋,或者尝试野外生物学. Whatever you chose, 这个学期将为你建立持久的记忆,为你去世界的任何地方做好准备.


In This Section

Explore All Degrees & Programs

Explore All Degrees & Programs


Meet Our Faculty

Meet Our Faculty

mg冰球突破豪华版下载的教职员工是全面杰出的, 大多数人在各自领域拥有最高学位,并不断从事研究工作.

Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Faculty Research and Other Projects

Faculty Research and Other Projects

我们的教师不仅用他们的专业知识为我们的学生提供高质量的教育, 同时也积极参与各自领域的研究和其他项目.

Graduate Programs Graduate Programs

Graduate Programs


Specialized Academic Programs Specialized Academic Programs

Specialized Academic Programs

mg冰球突破豪华版下载将文科教育与专业课程结合在一起,为学生的商业生涯做好准备, law, medicine, military service, the arts, and more.

Elmira Learning Opportunities Elmira Learning Opportunities

Elmira Learning Opportunities

Elmira College offers several unique learning experiences, like First-Year Seminar and Term III, to enhance your educational journey.

Academic Resources Academic Resources

Academic Resources


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