将可持续发展融入校园社区将可持续发展融入校园社区将可持续发展融入校园社区As communities across the globe work to address climate change by finding sustainable ways to reduce their carbon footprints, 埃尔迈拉大学 has put this topic front and center by making it a mission to incorporate sustainability into every aspect of the campus.

The vision is to position 埃尔迈拉大学 as a leader in sustainability in the Southern Tier, 作为一个如何识别的模型, 开发, 实施可持续发展的最佳实践. 在2021年,学院开始了这项工作 可持续性小 与博士合作. Meg Lowman, a renowned conservationist, National Geographic Explorer, and Elmira, New York native.

而建立一个学术项目是重要的一步, the College also recognizes it can do more to reduce its carbon footprint and many in the campus community have embraced this mission and are eager to help.

由教员组成的一群精力充沛的领导, 工作人员, 学生们组成了一个可持续发展委员会. The Committee members serve as advisors to the campus and will provide feedback and support as the College moves forward with its sustainability initiatives.


  • Reviewed the College's energy portfolio and began to identify changes the campus can make in the short and long term. The committee has helped identify greener technologies to adopt over time and is investigating grant opportunities to help fund these significant investments.
  • Identified opportunities for incorporating environmental awareness and sustainability in the curriculum. 例如:
    • 在3美元的帮助下,000年格兰特, 学院拨出一块地方用作社区花园, and several 教师 leveraged it as a teaching aid in their Spring 2022 Term III courses. The garden played an essential role for the first-year students who chose to be part of the Sustainable Living and Environmental Justice 学习ing Living Community (LLC). This is an optional experience where first-year students with similar interests live on the same floor in a residence hall and are encouraged to attend events and activities together.
    • 在11月, 康宁公司基金会资助mg冰球突破豪华版下载25美元,000 to purchase equipment that will enhance the College's Environmental Science program.
  • 协调学院参与 3月30日全球气候宣讲会 along with hundreds of colleges, universities, K-12 schools, and faith organizations. 400多名EC学生, 教师, 工作人员, Alumni, and community members attended panel sessions on various sustainability-related topics, 包括与学院高层领导的晚间座谈会. Attendees could also rummage through clothing and other items left by previous students during the Upcycle Flea Market. The Flea Market helped extend the life of the items otherwise slated for the landfill and raised money for EC's Environmental Club.
  • Launched the Sustainability Scholarship program where students can apply to become an 埃尔迈拉大学 Sustainability Leader. 每学年将有一名领导者,领导者将获得1美元,000英镑的奖金用于支付他们每年的学费. 作为交换, the students must plan and execute a sustainable initiative on campus and also research how to best incorporate sustainability into building renovations, 使用指定的建筑作为这些翻新的实践区域.

"The past academic year brought several milestones for 埃尔迈拉大学's commitment to sustainability: a highly successful Climate Teach-In that we hope to make an annual tradition, 成立一个由教员组成的总统委员会, 工作人员, and students to help guide our mission toward regional leadership in sustainability, and new academic programs in Environmental Science and Sustainability to prepare students for new careers and areas of advocacy,”医生说。. Doc Billingsley, Assistant Professor of Anthropology and member of the Sustainability Committee. "This century promises to be defined by humanity's response to a changing environment, and the 埃尔迈拉大学 community is stepping forward to meet these challenges and forge new opportunities for our students and our region."
