

Wendy Slater ’93, MSEd ’98, knows a lot about 埃尔迈拉大学. 她曾是一名学生、一名员工和一名EC妈妈. While she can provide many insights based on her time as a student and employee, she recently shared her “parent” perspective with us in the below Q&A. 她的儿子扎卡里.S. Stedge“21, majored in Economics and is currently pursuing a graduate degree in Data Analytics at Binghamton University.

Why did you and your son choose 埃尔迈拉大学 for his education?
mg冰球突破豪华版下载是扎克参观的几所学校中的第一所. He was quite familiar with 埃尔迈拉大学, as I am an alumna and a former employee of EC. He did look at various options, locations, and sizes of schools. mg冰球突破豪华版下载是他唯一决定第二次参观的学校. The Admissions Office had him spend a day on campus to meet with professors and athletic coaches. The smaller class sizes and the opportunity for him to continue playing tennis, 因为他是高中网球队的队员, 是一个因素. 最终, he knew that 埃尔迈拉 and the courses offered would provide a lot of opportunities for him, 还有很多与老师的个人互动. I think the smaller class sizes offer a far more personal experience.

How do you feel Zack has benefitted from his experience at 埃尔迈拉大学?
From a parent perspective, Zack benefited tremendously as an undergraduate at EC. 他不仅是网球队的队员, 但他在班上也很出色, 成为三个荣誉社团的成员:Phi Eta Sigma, 欧米克隆, 和. He was also awarded the Stand Energy Prize after a supervisor at the place he did his internship nominated him. Zack made lifelong friends at EC and had the opportunity to work closely with some of his professors, even working through the summer of 2020 on a research project.

埃尔迈拉, 变得更小, 私立大学, can offer students a close-knit environment where they are known by the faculty and administrators. Both the college and the local community offer many opportunities for outreach and volunteer work. The faculty truly cares about the students and strives to help them succeed in their various majors.

Also, 埃尔迈拉大学 has a unique and special set of traditions you won’t find at other colleges. 因为在迎新会上收到了班帽, 山天, Candlelight as a freshman and again - four years later - before Commencement, EC歌曲, these all are unique to 埃尔迈拉 and create a sense of home and pride in EC. 许多这样的事件都是学生们永恒的记忆.

Is there anything else you would like to add about the 埃尔迈拉大学 experience as a parent?
Having received both my bachelor of arts and my master’s in education at 埃尔迈拉, 并在学院工作了十年, I had the opportunity to be a part of 埃尔迈拉 as a student-athlete, 后来成为一名雇员. 我喜欢在那里工作, as it gave me the opportunity to interact with and assist the students, 就像他们为我做的那样. 当我成为EC家长的时候, it added yet another perspective for me and strengthened my belief that 埃尔迈拉 is an excellent and unique opportunity for potential students. For our family, it was very exciting when Zack made the decision to attend 埃尔迈拉. 在一些家庭,参加mg冰球突破豪华版下载成为一种传统. 和, 扎克的弟弟赖利, 现在是高三学生, has toured and been accepted to the 埃尔迈拉大学 Class of 2027. 他的姐妹们也对上欧共体感兴趣!
