当尼古拉斯(尼克)多米特罗维奇' 24,a 工商管理 major from Canada, started his internship at Canada Post (Canada’s equivalent of the U.S. Postal Service), he had no idea how complicated it is to run a large company.

“When you think of mail you think of door to door,他解释道. “但还有更多. 有法律的, 市场营销, 应收账款, and postal box rentals with individual clients and business clients. 有这么多的活动,甚至租用你的邮箱.”

The breadth of the company meant Domitrovic had opportunities to get a broad set of experiences, 每一次, 他已经很优秀了.

His primary role was to help a team of five to six employees focused on Canada Post’s retail products and services. Domitrovic applied what he’s learned about business administration, 市场营销, and finance during his classes at EC to help research strategies for his team and make recommendations.

“我有最好的上司. She wanted me to get the most out of the experience and to try different things and expand my network in the company,他解释道. “She trusted me to make a PowerPoint presentation for the Director of Pricing Strategy. 然后她让我来展示. 这很伤脑筋!”

然后我又给总经理做了一次报告. 那是一个很酷的机会.”

Domitrovic’s supervisor pushed him to meet with people from different areas of the company. She invited him to attend a weekly meeting about improving the technical infrastructure of the company, including making the mobile application more accessible and inclusive.

“My supervisor thought it would be cool to go to those meetings,他分享道, 并补充说, 虽然与他的团队工作无关, he enjoyed attending because he could see how much thought went into every decision.

“在会议上, people would discuss whether the font in the app was too big or too small and if things looked right and functioned well.”

Another big opportunity came when Domitrovic reached out to the Chief Operating Officer and she agreed to give him a 30-minute meeting, 这是她以前没有为学生做过的吗.

“I got to pick her brain about what it takes to be so successful, 她走过的每一步, 的风险, 还有挑战.”

The internship helped Domitrovic practice and stretch the skills he is building at EC. He found he was able to work independently with little guidance. For the first time, he kept a planner and wrote notes every day. He dealt with a huge database and found out how powerful Excel can be. 当六西格玛, 在许多企业中流行的一种质量改进方法, 上来, 多米特罗维奇已经知道了这些术语和概念. The other interns Domitrovic met were learning about Six Sigma for the first time.

At the same time, the internship has had an effect on his coursework at EC.

“Now, when I am doing things in class, I think about how to apply it to the real world,他分享道. “Before it was theoretical, but now I understand it from a different point of view.”

His internship also helped him realize what he wants to do after he graduates. 他最终想进入商界, 但首先, 他想从事职业冰球事业. When he is ready, he hopes to apply his degree and experience to the sporting industry.

“Now that I know that sporting is an industry and not just a team - there’s merchandising, 开设商店, finance - I can do fun things like 市场营销 or business strategy.”

“What’s great is that 100% of what I am learning now will transfer to a career. I’ve been given opportunities that help me know what will make me more hireable and successful in the long run at small and large businesses.”
